Hello, everybody! It's your old pal, Zomboo!
Welcome to Zomboo's House of Horror Movies! Zomboo is (nearly) world-famous for bringing some of the most terrib... er... I mean scaaary movies ever made into your home. Every week a different movie is broadcast so check back often to see what will be filling the airwaves this weekend.
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As Seen On Sunday Morning at 1am
This Week's Movie Sunday, October 20th, 2024 - 1:00 AM PST Tales of Frankenstein was made in 1958. Dr. Frankenstein creates a homicidal monster and is forced to kill it. He figures out that if he were to use a good brain, the monster would be good. So when a desperate woman and her terminally ill husband show up at the good doctor’s castle hoping for a cure, Dr. Frankenstein gives them a free consultation and runs a check on their health insurance. Hoo-hoo-hoo-ha-ha-ha! Tales of Frankenstein stars Anton Diffring, Helen Westcott, Don Megowan, Ludwig Stossel, Richard Bull, and Raymond Greenleaf. Mistress Want to be Fang of the Week? Send us your photos with Zomboo to zomboo@zomboo.com
    • Campy (33%, 2 Votes)
    • Scaaary (0%, 0 Votes)
    • Academy Award-Winning (33%, 2 Votes)
    • Horrible (33%, 2 Votes)

    Total Voters: 6

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