Hello, everybody! It's your old pal, Zomboo!
Welcome to Zomboo's House of Horror Movies! Zomboo is (nearly) world-famous for bringing some of the most terrib... er... I mean scaaary movies ever made into your home. Every week a different movie is broadcast so check back often to see what will be filling the airwaves this weekend.
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As Seen On Sunday Morning at 1am
This Week's Movie Sunday, December 29th, 2024 - 1:00 AM PST Terror in the Midnight Sun was made in Sweden and released in this country in 1962. A giant disco ball crashes in Lapland, Sweden. After drinking a lot of glug, a bunch of Swedish scientists and army guys investigate the crash. They discover it’s not a giant disco ball at all, but a spaceship from another planet! Terror in the Midnight Sun stars Sten Gester, Robert Burton, Barbara Wilson, and a bunch of Swedish actors whose names I can’t pronounce. Bad Santa Want to be Fang of the Week? Send us your photos with Zomboo to zomboo@zomboo.com

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